Senior Coach & Sports Therapist

Mark is our Senior Coach and in house Sports Therapist who joined us back in January 2019. Mark has worked in the fitness industry for over 15 years, and qualified as a Sports Therapist in 2012. Along with his PT Clients and Classes, Mark has a Treatment Room within Good Health and Fitness where he offers rehabilitation as well as Sports Therapy.

When he’s not working hard with his clients, he is at home spending time with his family. Quality time with his wife and two girls is the most important part of his life, closely followed by cinnamon Danish pastries. Mark’s kryptonite.

Within GHF, Mark spends his time thinking up the toughest, I mean, “programming” the SMALL GROUP PT Sessions. Ensuring that our SGPT Clients are progressing both in strength and in confidence!

Contact number
07792 148759
